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KarParts360 Return Process and Information
We believe finding the right parts should be effortless. That's why we offer a 30-day return policy for parts that don't meet your needs. Streamlining this process is a key part of our commitment to you—ensuring you get what you need to hit the road quickly and confidently.
How it Works
The Fine Print
Any item purchased on Karparts360 (unless noted as non-returnable below) must be returned within 30 days of purchase. All authorized returns must include all items and components that were part of the original package.
Karparts360 does not assume any responsibility or liability for reimbursing you for labor expenses, mechanic fees, towing costs, additional repair expenses, rental car expenses, or any other incidental costs that may arise from the use or installation of parts supplied by or on behalf of Karparts360, whether the parts are defective or were shipped in error.
Non-returnable Items Include:
Painted parts, Modified parts, Opened/unsealed electrical parts, Parts that have been installed and used
Freight Charges
We are not responsible for any return shipping charges unless the return is due to a manufacturer's defect or an error on our part.
Cancellation Policy
We strive to accommodate order cancellations, especially if the order has not yet been packed or shipped. If we are unable to cancel your order for any reason, you can still return the product once it arrives.
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Send us a message!
Let us know how we can help. Our team is here to provide answers. You can also contact us directly for additional support.